As you may know, recycOil has been recycling used cooking oil in the Rocky Mountain region since 2005 – and has been supplying commercial biodiesel producers and other agricultural and industrial end -
users with high quality feedstock for almost six years. Now, in partnership with best - in - class biodiesel producers and fuel distributors, recycOil is providing high - quality, cost - competitive biodiesel fuel to the Colorado market. This fuel is manufactured from used cooking oil and other recycled feedstocks under the strictest quality production protocols — achieving the highest environmental performance available in today’s commercial marketplace and delivering high - performance fuel at cost effective price points. All of this is done while also adhering 100% to applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations, INCLUDING the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
Now other sustainability leaders are getting on board too! On June 20th, the recycOil team, along with commercial biodiesel producer, Renewable Energy Group, and biofuels distributor, Gray Oil Inc., “put the fat” in New Belgium Brewery’s Tour de Fat 2011 tour kick-off by fuelling them up with biodiesel. Then on June 21st, the same partners fueled up Willie Nelson’s Country Throw down tour at Red Rocks amphitheater, where recycOil has been recycling Front Range music fans’ fryer grease since 2008. Stay tuned through the summer and into the fall to hear more about how recycOil is helping to close the loop with domestic energy resources!
Hundreds of restaurants and commercial facilities throughout Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region are working with recycOil to drive innovation in the Clean Technology industry –helping to strengthen our local economies while reducing our dependence on foreign oil, improving air quality and deploying commercially viable alternatives. This is how the recycOil network is helping fuel a low carbon future.
SLM-Facility Solutions Nationwide is a leader in facilities management, providing comprehensive services from waste and recycling to grease trap and hood cleaning, cooking oil removal, and more. SLM is a partner with recycOil in conjunction with many of its used cooking oil recycling customers. As one of its many sustainability initiatives, SLM is working with other industry stakeholders to develop, implement and manage food waste diversion strategies. This effort helps reduce land-filling of organic waste, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing local and regional soil nutrient cycling through composting and renewable fertilizer production. To find out more about how SLM can help your food facility fuel a low carbon future, call 1-866-SLM WASTE.