recycOil fuels Willie Nelson’s Throw-down tour!

recycOil provides the cleanest, most reliable cooking oil recycling service in the Rocky Mountain West. Our no-cost recycling service includes clean containers at no charge to our customers and competitive dividends for the oil we collect.

Excellent Service from a Colorado Company Rebates for your Used Cooking Oil Clean, Secure Containers 100% Biodiesel Diversion Zero-Waste Environmental Performance

As a recycOil customer, you can count on us to take care of the grease, so that you can take care of your customers, your menus, and your bottom line.

Check out our container menu for a complete list of indoor and outdoor collection options, or call us today for the best oil recycling service in the West.

Residential Used Cooking Oil Recycling: Click here to see where Colorado citizens can deliver the used cooking oil from their home kitchens. We are happy to provide this service free of charge!