8820 W 116th Circle Unit B

Our Vision
Sustainable Food Systems
Our Mission
We cultivate
relationships between food producers and food buyers by
delivering freshness and the story behind it.
Our Focus
We focus on providing high-quality food, straight from
the SOURCE, so our customers can focus on what matters most - their
food, their menus, and their bottom line.
Our Work
SOURCE Local Foods is your connection to the freshest,
locally grown and locally processed food in Colorado. We distribute
all-local, natural, and organic produce, meats, cheeses, dairy, and
Traveling in
the mountains, in the city for a night out, visiting a friend in a
new part of town? Be sure to download SOURCE the FOOD APP to find the
restaurants, cafes and grocers carrying amazing local foods for your
culinary enjoyment! Available for free on your Android or iPhone, use
this APP to connect with delicious, nurturing local foods.
This APP is
also a great messaging channel for all of the Jedi chefs, buyers and
F&B managers out there who are sourcing local food for their
clientele. The APP will send more friends and customers your
way for the awesome local food you are sourcing!
For information and updates on seasonal products,
local events, our Colorado community and as an opportunity to cross
promote your establishment or sustainable products, be sure to follow
SOURCE Local Foods on Facebook

What is
"SOURCE Shout-Out?"
In an effort to keep our customers connected to a community of
high-quality foods straight from the SOURCE, we bring a feature product
to the table, to share with you each week. Whether this is a
product that you already carry or something new to consider, this
allows us to share the stories behind the sustainable products that we
all love and enjoy. We invite you to share this information among
your retail/restaurant teams and with your customers, so that together
we can trace the path of where our food is coming from. Thank you
for playing such an integral role in our food system.
May the SOURCE be with YOU!
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from Royal
Crest Dairy and Grassland
Royal Crest Dairy is
in its 87th year serving the Colorado community with fresh dairy at
your doorstep. Just 14 years ago the Miller family decided it was time
to expand their reach to food service. These great local, family owned
and produced, natural dairy products are now included in SOURCE Local
Foods' product portfolio! Our relationship with Royal Crest Dairy
increases our supply capabilities for your restaurant and retail
locations to include butter, milk, cottage cheese and sour cream.
Royal Crest Butter
is churned from fresh, sweet cream and meets the finest AA Grade
standards. According to the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) quality metrics, Grade AA is the highest possible grade of
butter based on its aroma, flavor, and texture. Local area dairy farms
provide Royal Crest 100% of
their milk and cream from farms just miles from the Longmont plant.
These dairy cows receive no antibiotics, no added growth hormones and
are fed farm-grown feed, free of pesticides. Royal Crest Butter
is a delicious salted butter packaged in 4 oz sticks (4 sticks to each
one pound box). This is a great retail cold case item for your grocery

Our unsalted
line of butter can be traced just a few states over to Grassland, in Utah
and Wisconsin. Founder, John Wuethrich, first started picking up local
cream from his neighbors and hand-churning it into delicious, natural
butter back in 1904. From back then and to this day, Grassland applies
the craftsmanship and skill for butter making traditional to Europe.
Today, over 850 producers ship millions of gallons of milk to Grassland each day
to be churned into butter. Royal Crest Dairy is
one that contributes Colorado butter fat to be churned into a this
special regional product. Fall Creek unsalted butter is excellent for
cooking and is packaged in one pound blocks, great for the demands of
industrial kitchens. Also Grade AA, this line of butter is of the
highest quality.
are dedicated to always providing EXPERT, FRIENDLY and PROFESSIONAL
Customer Service.
We strive to
be your trusted partner and we want your feedback. Please let us
know how we can continue to provide the best service to you. Call us
anytime 303.544.1501.