Cindy Torres, © 2012
Cindy Torres, © 2012

We're all familiar with the concept of a watershed, but for many a "foodshed" is a new idea. Our foodshed is the area from which our food flows to us. Unfortunately, most of the food we eat comes from sources hundreds or thousands of miles away. SOURCE is proud to be working with Transition Colorado to help bring our community's foodshed closer to home. Little by little, we're shifting the global diet to the local, to food that is raised, caught, processed, cooked, distributed and sold by people in our community, people that you know and trust. We’re confident that a localized food economy will result in stronger local better community health, increased environmental sustainability, and a more resilient local food system with far less dependence on fossil fuels and petroleum-based inputs. The overarching vision is that in such a food-localized community our health will improve greatly, especially the health of our children. We will feel more connected, more alive, more engaged, living more meaningful and satisfying lives. We will be devoted to rebuilding the soil in our farmlands. We will produce thousands of new jobs. Our local economy will be robust! And we will dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation.