Cindy Torres, © 2012
Cindy Torres, © 2012

Boulder-based non-profit TRANSITION COLORADO is catalyzing food localization through the
Local Food Shift Campaign! We are working to help shift our food and farming system towards
significantly increased production and consumption of locally-grown, locally-produced, and locally
sourced foods. This will ultimately create hundreds of new jobs and shift millions of dollars into the
local food economy. “Local” is increasingly the most important differentiator and product claim for restaurants, retailers,
and institutions. Locally-sourced meats and produce are the top two restaurant trends for 2012,
according to a National Restaurant Association survey of chefs. As more people become conscious about what they eat—where it comes from, how it is produced, how it impacts health and well-being—consumer demand for fresh, healthy, locally-sourced food is already beginning to outstrip local supply. The Local Food Shift campaign has set a goal of 25% food localization in Boulder County over the next decade – which means increasing both production capacity and consumer demand. We need your help to achieve this. Here are some of the ways you can be involved:

Support the 10% Local Food Pledge
We’re encouraging everyone—individuals, families, and businesses—to devote up to 10% of their food budget to locally-sourced food, and we’ve set up an easyto- use online system to help us reach our goal of 1,000 people in Boulder County taking the Pledge in 2012– which would shift about $1,000,000 into the local food economy! The system is also now available to be implemented in other communities.
Advertise in the Local Food Shift Resource Guide & Directory
This special 64-page print magazine will be distributed in hundreds of Boulder County locations beginning in early June, creating a sustained presence for our advertisers and sponsors. The flagship of the Local Food Shift campaign, this edition will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Boulder County Farmers’ Markets, and will feature provocative and informative articles on the burgeoning local food movement, as well as stories about the local food and farming scene, along with the most comprehensive directory of local food producers and the restaurants, grocers, organizations and educational institutions that support them. Ad rates are very low, and directory listings are free!
Organize Events During Local Food Month (August)
We are inviting Front Range communities to join us in promoting local food during the month of August, and encouraging individuals to dine out at any of the many fine restaurants sourcing locally, to shop for local food, to attend featured community events, to visit a farmers’ market, to get to know a farmer, to throw an all-local dinner party, or to simply make a special home-cooked meal using local foods and beverages.
Participate in Boulder County’s first Local Food Festival (September 7-9)
The highlight of the campaign, the Local Food Festival celebrates the delights and benefits of locally-grown and locally-processed food, featuring local family farms and farmers’ markets, along with the outstanding restaurants, grocers, distributors, processors, and the many individuals and organizations who support them. The Festival is an opportunity for the community to discover local food sources, to meet local food growers, to become more involved in the local food and farming movement, to experience the pleasures of fresh local organic food, and to feel what it’s like to be connected to the local food and farming system and rediscover a deeper sense of community.
Become a Sponsor of the Local Food Shift Campaign
Sponsorships are the primary SOURCE of support for the campaign, enabling us to build support for locally-grown and locally-sourced food among the largest possible audience. As a sponsor, your company or organization will be strongly represented throughout the Local Food Shift campaign – with your brand and message reaching thousands of people throughout the county. Please consider our menu of sponsorship opportunities, each of which comes with its own level of visibility-raising and community-engagement benefits.
Invest in local food and farming enterprises
Through our business organization, Localization Partners LLC, we are catalyzing and managing investments in the businesses and entrepreneurs that are needed to rebuild the local food economy – including farms, value-added processors, distributors, food hubs, and marketers. We’re also working with Slow Money Colorado to provide access to food-related investment opportunities for both accredited and non-accredited investors.
For more information, contact Lynette Marie Hanthorn, Executive Director,
at 303-494-1521 or LM@TransitionColorado.org or visit TransitionColorado.org.
Details about the Local Food Shift Campaign,
including the online version of our magazine
—with a continually-updated directory—
are available at LocalFoodShift.com.