Fresh Apples and Grapes from Osito Orchard

Bringing in over 30 years of knowledge and experience
in agriculture, Frank Stonaker and his wife Beth Karsberg are no
strangers to organic farming. Formerly a professor of horticulture at
CSU, Stonaker recently took over ownership and care of a spot of
land, which has been an orchard for over 100 years, located
outside of Hotchkiss, Colorado .
Considered "30 acres of paradise" Stonaker
is enjoying his new position as production manager of Osito Orchard. His wife Beth, and
her extensive experience in business and customer service, make them
a great team!
Purchased in 2013, Frank and Beth are in the second year
transitioning their land to organic production. They practice
sustainable methods for maintaining fertility and soil health, and
non-toxic pest control methods, all approved by National Organic Program
standards. Osito Orchard is situated in Delta
County, where 29 certified organic farms currently exist. Osito
Orchard will proudly be added as one more certified organic farm to
the Delta County list next year!
Located at the foot of Grand Mesa, they benefit from endless sunny
days and cool mountain nights; a perfect recipe for producing ripe,
juicy fruit. Hotchkiss is not only home to the orchard, but to the
many "ositos" or "little bears" that live near
by, making it the perfect name for the orchard.
Positioned high on a hilltop, growing
conditions aren't the only thing that makes Osito Orchard unique. Their produce
selection is unmatched, as they are one of the only farms in Colorado
to grow grapes!
Osito Orchard apples and grapes are
now available through SOURCE. Of Osito Orchard's 10 different apple
varieties; Gala, Jonathan, and Black Jonathan are in stock and ready
to ship. Grape offerings include Mars, similar in taste to a Concord
grape; Reliance, larger and sweeter than your average Champagne
grape; and Candice, the sweetest of the grapes. Recently planted
Neptune green table grapes will soon mature to complement these
established red table grape varieties.
Frank and Beth feel as though their dreams are coming
true with an opportunity to produce fruits that are wholesome and
responsibly grown. They take pride in their product and encourage
anyone in the area to stop by and enjoy everything Osito Orchard has to offer!
8820 W 116th Circle Unit B

Sustainable Food Systems
Our Mission
We cultivate
relationships between food producers and food buyers by delivering
freshness and the story behind it.
Our Focus
We focus on providing high-quality food, straight from
the SOURCE, so our customers can focus on what matters most - their
food, their menus, and their bottom line.
Our Work
SOURCE Local Foods is your connection to the freshest,
locally grown and locally processed food in Colorado. We distribute
all-local, natural, and organic produce, meats, cheeses, dairy, and
is "SOURCE Shout-Out?"
In an effort to keep our customers connected to a community of
high-quality foods straight from the SOURCE, we bring a feature product
to the table, to share with you, each week. Whether this is a
product that you already carry, or something new to consider, this
allows us to share the stories behind the sustainable products that we
all love and enjoy. We invite you to share this information among
your retail/restaurant teams, and with your customers, so that together
we can trace the path of where our food is coming from. Thank you
for playing such an integral role in our food system.
May the SOURCE be with YOU!
Traveling in
the mountains, in the city for a night out, visiting a friend in a new
part of town? Be sure to download SOURCE the FOOD APP to find the
restaurants, cafes and grocers carrying amazing local foods for your
culinary enjoyment! Available for free on your Android or iPhone, use
this APP to connect with delicious, nurturing local foods.
This APP is
also a great messaging channel for all of the Jedi chefs, buyers and
F&B managers out there who are sourcing local food for their
clientele. The APP will send more friends and customers your way
for the awesome local food you are sourcing!
are dedicated to always providing EXPERT, FRIENDLY and PROFESSIONAL
Customer Service.
We strive to
be your trusted partner and we want your feedback. Please let us
know how we can continue to provide the best service to you. Call us
anytime 303.544.1501.
For information
and updates on seasonal products, local events, our Colorado community
and as an opportunity to cross promote your establishment or
sustainable products, be sure to follow SOURCE Local Foods on Facebook
