8820 W 116th Circle Unit B
Our Vision
Sustainable Food Systems
Our Mission
We cultivate
relationships between food producers and food buyers by
delivering freshness and the story behind it.
Our Focus
We focus on providing high-quality food, straight from
the SOURCE, so our customers can focus on what matters most - their
food, their menus, and their bottom line.
Our Work
SOURCE Local Foods is your connection to the freshest,
locally grown and locally processed food in Colorado. We distribute
all-local, natural, and organic produce, meats, cheeses, dairy, and

Growing Your Food Business: Understanding Accounting
& Bookkeeping Basics
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013
The Kitchen Coop
We have a great FREE workshop coming up to help small business owners
understand basic bookkeeping and accounting. This is a collaboration between
The Kitchen Coop and SOURCE Local Foods. More details can be found here.
Interested in attending? Simply RSVP to jeanne@the-kitchen-coop.com

Gives Day
December 10th
Colorado Gives Day is a wonderful initiative designed to bring
awareness to the Colorado community in support of many local non
profit organizations. In a season of giving, on this day,
on-line donations are collected to support the causes that resonate
with you.
We Don't Waste is one of these many important causes. Committed
to reducing food waste, last year alone We Don't Waste collected over
250 tons of what would otherwise be wasted food from area
restaurants, food distributors, caterers & venues. This
recovered food is then thoughtfully distributed to approximately 50
community non profit organizations assisting children, seniors,
veterans, families and homeless in reaching better nutrition.
We Don't Waste is effective and systematic in linking the underserved
with local food sources.
Click to donate.

SOURCE Local Foods will have a variety of holiday hams
available for sale from a local pig farmer in Cone Ranch, CO.
These delicious hams are locally processed and hickory smoked with
brown sugar and no nitrites. Three different available cuts include;
boneless, bone in, and bone in spiral cut. Hams will be available
starting the week of 12/16. Please ask your local sales rep about
pricing and reserving your holiday hams.
Truck To Table

Arugula & Lentil Salad with Delicata
- 6-8 servings
1 cup French
green lentils
2 Full Circle Farms
delicata squash, skin-on, halved horizontally and seeded
tablespoons olive oil
4 cups Ollin Farms
juice of 1
½ cup
prepared pesto
salt and
pepper to taste
Bring a pot
of water to a rolling boil and add the lentils. Cook the lentils in
boiling water just until tender, about 20-30 minutes. Drain and
spread on a baking sheet pan until cooled.
preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Cut the
delicata squash into half moon sections, about ½ inch thick.
Spread on a baking sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper
and roast until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from oven and
allow to cool.
In a large
mixing bowl, add the lentils and the prepared pesto (you can make
your own or use store bought pesto here). Fold the pesto into
until well coated. Taste for salt and add the juice of 1 lemon.
Fold in the
delicata squash and the arugula.
Taste again
for seasoning and serve at room temperature.

Green, Sustainable Like Minded Businesses:
RSF Social Finance was founded on principles of
sustainability and inspired by the seminal work of Rudolf Steiner - a
towering figure of the 20th Century who has impacted agriculture and
education in so many ways. RSF is one of the nation's leading social finance
institutions with programs specifically established to work with
non-profit and for-profit social enterprises addressing key issues in
food production, food access, value-added processing, distribution,
and retail as well as waste management. They are a strong partner to
many local and sustainable food enterprises around the country, and
anticipate partnering with additional organizations in 2014 doing
this work in Colorado. For more information, please visit www.rsfsocialfinance.org
and contact Kate Danaher, Sr. Lending Associate, at 415-561-6181, or kate.danaher@rsfsocialfinance.org.
Traveling in
the mountains, in the city for a night out, visiting a friend in a
new part of town? Be sure to download SOURCE the FOOD APP to find the
restaurants, cafes and grocers carrying amazing local foods for your
culinary enjoyment! Available for free on your Android or iPhone, use
this APP to connect with delicious, nurturing local foods.
This APP is
also a great messaging channel for all of the jedi chefs, buyers and
F&B managers out there who are sourcing local food for their
clientele. The APP will send more friends and customers your
way for the awesome local food you are sourcing!
For information and updates on seasonal products,
local events, our Colorado community and as an opportunity to cross
promote your establishment or sustainable products, be sure to follow
SOURCE Local Foods on Facebook

from CEO & Chief Fungi
Hello Friends,
snowfall and cold temperatures have definitely made clear that winter
is here. The holiday season is a a wonderful time to reflect on and celebrate
the wonderful year behind us, as we begin to plan for the year ahead.
The team and I
at SOURCE are celebrating a tremendous 2013, in which many significant
milestones were achieved in partnership with so many stakeholders. Last
year began with an amazing winter season, providing natural dairy and
greenhouse produce (from the likes of Circle Fresh Farms
and Sun Valley Farms) to folks like Chef Andrew Helsley at Aspen Ski Co.,
and Chefs Sean Bouton and Bryan Languell at Appaloosa Grill in
downtown Denver - one of our favorite "musician owned and
operated" restaurants offering local fare and music nightly.
SOURCE's first winter of operations was also marked by the development
of a significant local, natural meat program. With producers like Boulder Natural Chicken,
Frontiere Natural Meats,
Milagro Ranch, Innovative Foods and
Colorful Ranch, we
have built a robust local meat program now utilized by so many chefs
and F&B managers around the region. This is complemented by eggs
from Chicken Track, chips
and tortillas from Raquelitas and dairy
products from Morning Fresh, Haystack Mountain Goat
Dairy and so many others!
As spring
rolled around, we celebrated the one year anniversary of SOURCE and
were honored to be a part of the National Slow Money
Gathering, which was held in Boulder. We had fun rolling out the
beta version of SOURCE the FOOD APP as well. We were also happy to
close a working capital deal with the Colorado Enterprise Fund
- a great organization working with all sorts of local businesses.
During the summer, an amazing bounty of field crops
began coming off the great farms like Ollin Farms, Full Circle Farms, Isabelle Farms and Kiowa Valley Organics.
We also started working for the first time with Front Range Farms, Green Earth Farm and
Mulville Brothers Farm.
In the autumn,
we were so proud of Ploughboy Market in
Salida for being recognized with the Nature's Plate Award
by The Nature Conservancy. Around the same time, we closed a Local Producer Loan
with Whole Foods, providing us with an additional boost of working
capital. As so many of you know, these key financing partnerships are
essential to building sustainable food systems. As this newsletter is
being written, we are closing a line of credit deal with RSF Social Finance -
another leader in financing the local and sustainable foods movement
around the nation. We admire RSF's work in the social finance space,
and are honored to be among their pool of social enterprises.
Finally, it is
a pleasure to celebrate the amazing team that has come together and
really galvanized in 2013. The work that Rich Hamlin and Evan
Horenovsky are doing day in and day out with our suppliers is
tremendous. The work that John Steiner is doing managing the warehouse
and logistics is tremendous - working alongside Jedi drivers like Mike
Fleenor who has developed great relationships with SOURCE stakeholders
all over the state. Elizabeth Stringer and Marcia Perry manage all the
details on the accounting and administration front. The SOURCE sales
team continues rocking and rolling around the state: Kevin Story, Nick
Chambers, Rosemary Whitenight, Carly Silberman, Michele Lewis, John
Granat, Hilary Gordon and our newest addition, Tonne Passalacqua. And
of course, our rocking recycOil ambassador, Nate Perez, continues
making links with the Double Down Dividend program! The executive
leadership of Kirsten Suddath and Luke Eisenhauer is tremendous - it is
breathtaking how much they each manage and how deeply passionate they
each are about the work we're doing. In 2013, we were so fortunate to
bring together a Board of Advisors, Board of Directors and key
investors with Bud Sorenson, Richard Laubenstein, Adam Lewis, Ruben
Milares, Martin Newton and Al Stemp all providing wisdom, insight and
support behind the scenes to our team's efforts.
team continues developing its capacity for building sustainable food
systems here in Colorado, it is wonderful to celebrate these milestones
and the amazing partners we're working with as we prepare to take our
work to the next level in 2014.
May you have a
safe and happy holiday season, and as always:
May the SOURCE
Be With YOU!
CEO & Chief
Expanding to Colorado Springs!
With our
growing fleet, SOURCE is now offering amazing local foods in the
Colorado Springs area! With our newest team member, Tonne Passalacqua,
at the helm of our sales and customer service efforts, SOURCE is
launching service in the Springs market beginning mid-December. Please
contact Tonne for more information: tonne@SOURCELocalFoods.com.
A big welcome
to our newest team members!

Goddess, Boulder Area Sales Representative
What kitchen
tool could you not live without?
I can't live without my food processor, I'm a sucker for a

Hank Thuener
Driver &
Service Jedi
What kitchen
tool could you not live without?
I could not live without a crock pot. It has a
perfect meal waiting for me when I get home from a long day of
Assistant, Accounting and Administration
What kitchen
tool could you not live without?
The kitchen tool
that I cannot live without is my rolling pin because I love to make
pies. It reminds me of special times with my mom in the kitchen helping
to make potica, and it's a great tool for knocking out the men in my
life when they get unruly.
Source Springs
Chick, Colorado Springs Area Sales Representative
What kitchen
tool could you not live without?
My fav kitchen
tool currently is my Aero latte whip. It whips my almond milk for my
coffee just like the fancy schmansey places. I love this little tool
because I love my morning coffee to start the day.
Restaurants & Markets:
We welcome
these new restaurants & grocers to the wonderful world of SOURCE!

are dedicated to always providing EXPERT, FRIENDLY and PROFESSIONAL
Customer Service.
We strive to
be your trusted partner and we want your feedback. What are we
doing well? What can we do better? We're here and we want to hear
from you. Call us anytime.